Friday, August 29, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Yeah; Hi.

Watched Tropic Thunder today.

Not as bad as it's made out to be actually.

I laughed at the bit where one was supposed to laugh, wince at the weird bits and question the movie where it goes all weird.

overall it was a good movie; hell it wasnt Bloody "Dark Knight" but it was a good movie to enjoy after you submitted your assignment.

But i think a person shouldn't be persuaded by some Eloquent,articulated pompous "movie expert" that thinks every movie should be in the same par as bloody "Gone With the Wind" or "Citizen Kane" (which i think is a freaking awesome movie)

if you're easily persuaded by a couple of well worded sentences on a piece of paper or some big artistic words said by a guy with glasses - you shouldn't be allowed on your own because by the looks of it; you cant make your own decisions.

but that aside; i finished what i had to do today; submit my 2D imaging Work, Watch tropic thunder and finish youth video.

i'm content.

take care.

i might make an idea i've had for a long time an actual video.

1 comment:

diemwitt said...

ive been super behind on things,
especially on youtube if you've made any new ones, i haven't gotten a chance to make fun of them yet :] miss ya loser!