Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the Big Freaking Two Oh

who's got 2 thumbs and is cynical? this guy.

so as of midnight tonight; i am 20.

i know.

i cant believe 12 years ago i was just this short asian kid who could speak english quite well.

and now. freaking 20.

i'm not a teen anymore; i mean i cant make excuses anymore. i'm forced to make decisions on my own and be responsible for them.
sure, they expected that when i became 18 but nobody takes anyone seriously with an age that has the suffix "teen" on it.

i dont even bother capitalising the start of my sentences let alone take care of myself.
i havnt really tried out my resilience in living by myself, as i have not left the family residence.
nor do i plan to unless i make substantial money for myself.
aaaanyway moving on.

i've slightly out grown the whole birthday party thing, i mean, i still like receiving them but not so much organising and planning and whatnot.

it's too much work and you get alot of flack from friends or "friends" you havnt invited.

what i'm saying is, age is overrated. i dont need some number dictating how i should damn well act.
i will act as i please thanks very much, if you dont like it - bugger off.

no seriously - i would like to be able to watch cartoons, play computer games and run around like a lunatic while out with mates even though i'm bloody 20.

who knows, i'll probably be doing the same even when i'm 80...

only slower.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


i was bored in web class, and i saw this.

i felt happier.
