Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Biotch!

so yeah posting before the new year.

dad asked me to get ready cos we're gonna see the fireworks.
i said "now? it's still bright outside (which it was - very bright for 6:30pm)"

dad was like yeah; there's one at 9 and another one at 12.

we were going to the one at 9? really? wth is that about?

it's redundant.
to be honest i dont see the point of it.
although i guess its for the kids who cant stay up late.

well too bad for them!
tough tits!

it's not my fault their body clock isnt as screwed up as mine :P

oh and i'm also ticked off that i dont have anyone to kiss when the new year turns in, it's sad =_=

anyway - hope everyone had a GREAT Year and may this Coming Year bring More blessings.

love you all!

Peace, 2008~!


Murdoc said...

"tough tits" hahahaha never heard of that before
and i've never heard of this kiss thing on New Years until this!

Murdoc said...

oh yea and where are my manners lol

Happy New Year Ralphie!!! :D

Sophie said...

LOL tough TOTALLY stealing that line :D

and im ticked off coz my person to kiss isnt in this country :(


Ralphie Cellmate89 said...

Murds: serious? i learnt the kiss thing from "friends".

Soph: aww, same here soph. and it's pretty obvious who she is :P

yeah; tough titties! :P

liagiba. said...

HAHAHAH tough tits. awesome phrase.

Have a great new year Ralphie! <3

Garbo said...

How do you think I felt?
Dean was RIGHT next to me during the countdown and we didn't PASH! ;)

leah said...

tough tits? LOL that's my first time hearing that too xD

and pshh your fault for not having anyone to kiss! you'd better buy her a freakin plane ticket already abit before new years okay?! or you freakin fly to Europe >=]

HAPPY NEW YEAR Ralpheezy!!