Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Re: Steven Bae's Blog

you can see it here:


I dont hate on Gay people; heck i found out a couple of years ago that my cousin was Gay. it was a bit of a shock but i kinda saw it coming.
one of my classmates is gay - and he's one of the most creative people i've seen. not cos he's Gay; its cos he's talented.

i gotta admit i do say the word Fag or Gay or Homo in the sense that i describe something negative; but that's what's been subconsciously programmed in me. tell you the truth i have a slight homo-phobia; but only when i feel like im in a compromising position. but other than that - i'm a physical kind of person.

i prefer hugs instead of awkward handshakes.
i like to get close to a person, yknow arms around the shoulders - all buddy buddy kind of thing.

i'll say it again - i like gay people... but i dont like the stuff they do.
i dont condone their prefered sexual activity; its unnatural.
i can understand how they feel for each other and all but guy-on-guy just wasnt meant to be (imho).

i also think that being "Gay" is not something you were born with. a person develops this thinking that they like the same sex and through peers, media and even parents this mind set is enforced until the person ultimately decides that they are attracted to the same sex and that they were born that way. regardless of all the flack that i'm prob gonna get - i think homosexuality is more of a decision/lifestyle rather than an "in built function" for a lack of a better word.

as a christian i'm told to love the Sinner but hate the Sin. so when i hear fellow "christians" calling homosexuals these names and condemning them, it makes me sad:

- that they're using the label of christianity to "gain the right" to judge someone because of their sexual preference.
- and also verbally abusing a fellow human being (which is a bad thing to do - christian or otherwise)

i say - love these people the way you would like to be loved; the way God loves you. unconditionally and with out any bias towards what you may look from the outside but what you are on the inside.

i think though; that if a gay person truly accepts Jesus in their life, they'll be changed. not immediately but through a slow process of self re-discovery and being in a more meaningful relationship with God.
Sure, he/she may still be slightly attracted to the same sex; but i guess they wont be acting upon it.

its definitely a shaky subject - and i dont claim to know everything and this is one of the topics that i'm unsure about.

Btw; if you've read until here - you probably do care enough about what i do or what i think about so here's some updates...


i'm still freaking swamped with assignments - i'm not sure when i'll be recording a new video.
i have like 4 things due next week, 2 of which i have barely started or even at all.
on top of that i have to go record Youth News and edit it and blech...

i hate being busy; i also hate being restless.

i just want to sit around all day; reading comics, blogs, eating food and spending time with friends.

anyway; it's getting late an i'm filming youth news at 10:30am tomorrow =_=


liagiba. said...

I see what you mean on this topic. My cousin just revealed that he was gay sometime last month, and I was honestly shocked...until it took me about two days to sink in. Just because one admits that he/she is gay doesn't make me think of them differently, but calling someone or something 'Gay' or 'Homo' even if they aren't [or it's just for a joke] can offend others who are gay...if that made sense. So it's like you gotta watch what you say sometimes when it comes to that. What they do sexually is what I don't approve, but again this is all my opinion.

I have nothing against gay people because I do have friends who are gay, and I know how it's like to go through times where people are judged based on their sexual orientation. It bothers me that those who are in favor of Christianity can judge anyone just based on that. I find it hypocrisy in a way though. Hm...

But yes, that would be my point of it.

Take care Ralphie and I hope you get your work done this week! :]

Steven T. said...

that's heavy man. discrimination is never an acceptable thing no matter how right or how wrong something is. it always upsets me when people lump all Christians together based off of a single ignorant Christian. we were never taught to judge and discriminate, but to love and pray for people.

anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Harry said...

hey dude

yeah.. dunno...

I used to be a bit of a homophobe. but now i just think, if that's what they are happy doing, then great. I know that if there were people out there saying that it was disgusting for me to have sex with chicks.. i would feel really guilty. i dunno~ i know i could never do it, and i think thats what used to scare me, that people were different.

b.t.w i had a HUGE argument with my chapelin at school about this.. he got pissed because i told him he was going to hell because he said gays were going to go to hell. well.. i dunno. god made them the way they are. i can't understand the reason, but if thats what they love, let them do it [as long as its not in my face]

great vlog though mate. really interesting.

Mamas Secret said...

its funny how u seem so like mature speaking on the first part and then when it comes to the update on what you did and such u sounded like a kid again
aww thats so cute

but i agree i dont think people are born gay because some people are like on the norms when they were born. like ughhh

if a boy like a girl and such when they were in elementary school and then on high school they just became completely gay. i dont get it like they were a guy guy and then after a few eyars they became gay i was like hmmmmm.... weird so i dont think their born with it

lol i cant write good sentences when its not on paper

Unknown said...

Well I thought I would put my two cents in you all have a point,but not all the gay ppl every where in the world came to be gay the same way, i know, two completely different ppl who suffered through the trauma of being molested and as a result are the people they are and they are god loving good ppl that are like everyone else hey you may even get to meet them one day whoose to say, my friend tracy was constantly molested by her aunt and she's gay it took her her whole life so far to come to terms with it, and then there's my friend katie and she was also abused as a child and she straight i belive it was a friend of the family but she doesn't talk about it i just found out about it my self she actually deals with it by i think making her self believe that everyone gets sexually abused when ur a child i dont think thats what happens to everyone but ill let her believe what she wants, and well there are two ppl similar seies of events and different out comes. I personally think some ppl are born gay because i struggled with what sexual orientation i was and i have been dealing with it sence elementay school i knew who i liked and i liked both girls and boys so there you go some things you cant explain oh and i dont think i was abused as a child so who cares you love who you love and even if ur in front of me ill smile and be happy for your happy ness because happyness can be fleeting and c'mon everyone deservesto be happy and to be loved by god so peace love you and god be with you always ^_^

oop sorry its so long got lost in the typing
ps ralphie you and garbo make a cute couple