Saturday, October 4, 2008

Camp Aftermath [warning = LONG ENTRY]

Hey; so yeah - i got back from camp today.
And may i say; it was great.

although there were some downsides but i'll tell you about that later.

so on thursday i left class earlier to get to practice - which i didnt end up making cos i was running around trying to get stuff organized and etc etc.

got to the bus - it was a fun ride; watched hancock on my Laptop (so asian), Ps Jesse (my youth pastor) went up to me ans said he have you got Kungfu Panda? then i realized:

Ps. Jesse asked me to Get KungFuPanda the night before cos we were going to watch it after supper - i said yeah; i should be able to get it.

but i didnt - i forgot about it!

we was like.. oh... do you have any other movies then? i said - i have the new indiana Jones, and some other movies... but they werent really suitable... he looked disappointed..
Urrgh... why did i forget it?!

1st night at Camp; Dinner was Curry Chicken, well i thought it was with Vegies and mash potato... mmm

(here you go Chris; food stories :P )

session one was with Ps. Jesse speakin a little something about what to expect in the following meetings, the meeting ended and we had supper. no movie so i just played Killer Bunnies with the kids in my cabin and we watched 3rd ep of heroes.

i realized that i forgot my FireWire cable - so no Camp news... another dissapointment.

morning broke and we had Cereal for breakfast. then we had some Games and activities and then we had lunch.
Ham / salami sandwiches with veggies and a side of potato and bacon salad or egg and chicken salad.

good eating

we had our first session with our Guest Speaker Ps. Cameron Bennet all the way from Queensland. He was good. at the end of his Schpiel everyone got to the front incl. me and started to seek God - it was awesome.

then i sat with some of my friends and talked about stuff and then the guys set up the slipNslide...

oh yeah; so yep - i went and took a run up and slid down the hill pretty darn fast.
afterwards - we had an egg war; two eggs strapped on our heads and armed with pool noodles.

there were Islanders there - fijians, samoans and NewZealanders.... MASSIVE GUYS.
They play rugby for cryin out loud!
they ran in my direction; i ran in the other.

but then one of the leaders - Otto targeted me. i ran for my life... That guy was in the ARMY! i was honestly scared; he got me cos i'm so unfit; i got tired easily and got egg on my face... i got him in a headlock and got him back.

serves him right - dont mess with me.

after that was over; we fired up the catapult and chucked eggs at the other boys.
so we're all covered in egg, and detergent (from the slipNslide) and soaking wet. it started to rain.
then one of the islanders brought out the fire hose and start to soak the plastic sheet that covered the hill. i took a huge run up and flew down that hill.

then i took a shower.

Dinner - we had Spaghetti Bolognese mmm yum yum.

3rd session with Cam Bennet was freakin awesome too bad i didnt record the end bit cos he started to prophesy on people.

we went to our cabin afterwards but my friend Jay and I went Ninja-ing; we spyed on people still outside - unseen, unheard. heck i was a meter away and they didnt notice me.

Jay and i silently went back in our cabin and slept - i watched abit of the Avengers (cartoon movie) and then slept.

we woke up at 7:51 am and we panicked - thinking we missed practice... we went to the dining hall and found ppl just started eating. so we ate; cereal, toast and bacon and eggs... mmm yummeh.

we had our last session with Ps. Cam and it was great as ever. i left the cam on record just in case... i didnt have to... DANG!

we went back to our cabins and packed up - i reorganised my luggage to fit my dirty clothes and put it all in the bus.

had our group photo - will post later when i get them.

i got on the bus (there were two coach buses - did i mention that?) and got comfortable. soon enough i ended up sleeping. i'd wake up every now and then, but i went back to sleep.

we got to the church and they were getting ready for the sat. Evening service - i called up my 'Rents and they said that they were upstairs.

they got one of their fam. friends to drive myself and my sis Home and well here i am - 2 hrs later and still typing.

WOW long blog.

i guess i'll try and make some sort of Vlog video later this week.. if i find something interesting to talk about.

talk to you guys later,


Sophie said...

aww camp sounds so fun haha

and i believe it's bolognese/bolognaise :)

Ralphie Cellmate89 said...

thanks soph will be editing it nows

Anonymous said...

Haha wow, sounds like a massive amount of fun. I never went to any kind of camp. D:

*throws an egg at Ralphie* :P

Ralphie Cellmate89 said...

man sarah; those eggs were hard as! they were really difficult to crack...

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