Monday, November 16, 2009

i love marketing

i really do

i just love how advertisements and brands just manipulate us into buying their stuff.

dont get me wrong, im not saying that the world is run by capitalists and blah blah blah, freedom this, anarchy that.

i already get enough of that at Uni.

i'm saying that i always look for the best thing out there, whether it's computers, clothes, gadgets, even food. if it's new and exciting, lemme at it.

providing i have money - which as of current - i dont.

technology might be advancing at such a fast rate, the economy might be getting a teensy bit better, but the wonders of advertisements never change.

for example.

Coca Cola.

everybody in the WORLD knows it. it's like one of the most recognized words of the english language next to "hello" and "OK".

since they released coke, they have had some of the best ads out there, from the christmas ads to the more recent "happiness in every bottle" slogan.
it makes it SO MUCH MORE appealing to the public if said drink was going to make your party better, and who doesnt want their party to be better?!

now, not only does advertising make us feel like we have to buy something because it's going to make us a better party host or that it makes being with friends a whole lot more enjoyable (than it already is), it also lies.

like you didnt know that already.

what i mean is, advertising or branding just uses the same formula and wraps it up in a different package.

like diet soft drinks (or soda, or pop - depends where the hell you come from);

normally people who drink those kinds of drinks (low in sugar, low in joules or calories) are either Women or Health conscious pricks.

ok, not all health conscious ppl are pricks... i mean it's good to be healthy - it's just that some make it their life's work to tell every one how they've ran 30kms on the treadmill and how they love the smell of their pre packed and calorie counted lite n easy meals cos they wouldnt be able to live with themselves if they put on that extra pound.

now with most guys, fit or not, sometimes being found with a diet coke bottle in your hand is very emasculating. no man is afraid of a little sugar! not unless you're diabetic. nowadays men are more accepting, we wear pink, some wear make up... we blur the borders now.

but seriously, think about it. the only Men you see having a "Diet Coke" are well... gay or efemminate. (which btw dont fall into the category of pricks - some are quite nice guys)

that's why the wonders of advertising and branding devised a cunning little plan to make sure guys who DO want a little less sugar in their soda dont get chastised out in public and shown as a sissy.

and so they presented "Coke Zero"

now, this concept was not new at all.
there was already Pepsi Max.

yeah, that's right. if you didnt know - pepsi max is pretty much diet pepsi - for men.
rememeber how pepsi max ads are all like guys doing hardcore stuff and the slogan at the end is like "Maximum taste - no sugar"? i mean look at the actual can! it's got breakdancers and stuff on it, and we all know breakdancers are awesome (no sarcasm there).

yeah - if you bought that and you're now drinking pepsi max because you like it and you think it's hardcore to drink it while it having no sugar... you've just be advertised.

and you're also a bit of a prissy.

i'm kidding.

so Coke released this Coke Zero and you guessed it. it's Diet Coke for guys.
they've also approached it the same way as pepsi did, it's HARDfknCORE to drink Coke Zero cos it makes you blow crap up and do all that crazy stuff all with out sugar! and sugar is a big no no.

and it's worked!

young men are buying this because they feel since it's low on sugar, it's good for them and they wont get made fun at cos they're not drinking a "girls drink".

i'm not really trying to make much of a point here.
just saying that i love how advertising shapes the way we choose what to buy or what to drink because it focuses on something that we desire as humans.

acceptance from others

if we buy this certain clothing brand it'll make us feel like we're part of something - either a clique or a fashion movement (which will probably pass on) or if we buy buy coke zero instead of diet coke guys might feel like they're keeping their masculinity.

it's all about being part of a group.
and hey, if you identify yourself within a certain group then go for it. drink that Coke Zero/pepsi max/diet coke/diet pepsi with pride.

i'm just gonna sit here with my normal sugar loaded Coke (no pepsi for me thanks) and be awake for the next 6 hours.


1 comment:

Garbo said...

Didn't I tell you about the Pepsi Max thing?