Friday, September 10, 2010


i want to travel.

i've always wanted to go places, see the world, experience cultures.
but to do that you need money, and to get enough money you have to stay in one place for a while.

i'm doing that now - i've been at this job for about half a year and counting - which is quite surprising seeing how time flies by so fast; it didn't feel like 1/2 a year at all.

it's a pretty good job, it's got it's rewards, the pay is pretty good for a guy like me but i'm jealous of the people who can just go take some time off work and go somewhere for 3 months.

i mean, it makes sense if you're part of a work force that has 20 other people like you and that it's not that much of a hassle if you go away for a few months.
but for me; if i miss a day or two - God forbid; 3 days - the news and special items go to crap.
and there's no-one to take my place if i go; there's no intern to pass my work on to, there's no volunteer that's going to be able to do the same work i do.

being a company asset sucks!

but getting back to the point - there are times i wanted to go back to studying; not just to learn crap but to have the free time to travel during the breaks and what not.
but i dont want to dish out thousands of dollars for tuition just for "free time".

oh well, i guess i should just take it as it goes. Annual Leave is such a B.


EYL said...

goodness gracious what does the working world do to us?!?!?!

Ralphie Cellmate89 said...

@liz i know! we're prisoners of currency.

Henry said...

our times shall all come..

i dont travel either. Korea doesn't count because all of those tickets were bought by my dad, and i've never been outside Korea so... yeah

Traveliztera said...

Aww yes... Once you start working, you start missing the times wherein you were really uber duper free and had all the time in the world to go off somewhere else.

Hold on... Are you pinoy?