Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chivalry isnt Dead, but it sure is neglected

i'm sure most of you that read this know of Natalie aka NDTitanLady of youtube.
and have probably watched her video of her worst date ever.
if you havnt yet - watch it.

now that you've watched that.
lets get into it.

sometimes it's not our fault.

you might be going;
"are you crazy? that guy was an arse!"

yeah, he was.
but other men tend to become Mr. Jerkface because some women are equally Jerky.

yeah - that's right.

sometimes women who are too "Empowered", too engrossed in the "independent woman movement" give chivalry a bad name.

i'm not saying that women have to be confined to the kitchen or whatever (woman! make me a sandwich! lol) - by all means, be self sufficient, be independent. But when a nice guy opens a door for you or pays the bill; don't lose your head thinking he's looking down at you or he's making you feel inferior.

ladies - pull your head outta your arse. he's just being nice - it means he likes you.

thats why sometimes guys can be jerks without knowing it - because they've experienced the "Miss Jerkfaces" so many times they dont know what to do to be nice anymore.

they think twice when holding the door open for her, or letting her go in first... the small stuff that men were expected to do a couple of decades ago.

when i was small, my parents would teach me on how to be a gentleman, they taught me that when you're walking with a woman - doesnt matter what her age is - you always walk on the side that's closest to the road. so if your walking on the right side of the road - you walk on her left.
so if a car comes speeding towards you - you can push her out of the way.

yeah? yeah.

back then, if you didn't pay for the date, YOU were the Jerkface.
back then, if you didn't go up to the door to pick up your date for the prom, you would be considered an arse (and the parentals would have a thing or two to say about you)

but now, feminism's just gone way over the top. i believe in equal rights for everyone, but that doesnt have to cancel out being nice and polite.

phew... yep that's it for me.

take care of yourselves.
and for the love of pete; dont be so uptight.


Murdoc said...

dude! Totally agree with you! 100%

Sophie said...

its crazy how we were discussing exactly this in psychology...something about grooms are on the right in a wedding because hundreds of years ago, that was their stance whilst carrying a sword o.o

but i agree, opening the door and paying for things is totally sweet - let the chick put up a fight if she wants to split the bill though! lmao