Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Snorefest

it took my family 9 freakin hours to go home after church had finished today...

i'll tell you real quick what happened

after church they had a Filipino Fellowship meeting - which was ok, cos i had my laptop with me, which meant i could watch movies and surf the net.
this went on for 3 hours after 12pm.

at around 3 / 3:30pm they decide to pack up and go home
but my parents dont JUST go home...

some of us stayed back and dad had the brilliant idea of going down the local McDonalds... ok... free food, free internet - i'm ok with that.
but my laptop only had about an hour 30mins of life left.

we were there for almost 3 hours....

so yeah - at around 5:30-6:00pm my family (and the ppl we were with) decide to go home, so we walked to the car and lo and behold... dad cant find the keys

so mum and dad talk amongst themselves asking each other where each other's keys are
mum's are inside the trunk, in the bag
dad's are missing - presumably in the trunk as well
so we're trying to jimmy open the car doors through the key hole
but the keys that our car uses are realy diff from the usual key
so we were in deep
we could either - keep trying to open the door, or, call the car repair ppl and get them to open the door
which would cost us $
we chose the first option
so anyway, one of our family friends was with us and he was also trying to give suggestions on how we were gonna open the thing
i only had one thing on my mind... i wanna go home.

anywhoo - dad calls up of the people that were with us about hours ago and asks them if they could help
one is a mechanic
and the other has the same car as us - so we hope that his key might be able to open the car door atleast
so me, still as uninterested as ever; go to sleep in the other person's car
i wake up - and i find adults jamming crap down a gap in the passenger's side window

they had a plethora of wires and cables and they were pretty much trying to wind down the window
and somehow open the door that way
after about 15 mins or something, the guy that was with us the whole time, brings out a unravelled coathanger
which btw he had the whole time - just never thought of using it.
that aside, we used that and successfully open the car.

hooray! now i could go home!

big mistake

they stayed there talking about how it was great to have friends and if we didnt have anybody we'd be stuck

btw; they found both keys in the trunk
so anyway we stayed at the carpark for another hour before they decided that we should go to somebody else's house and talk some more.

i told them if they were gonna do that - they should spare us the long agonising death from boredom and take us home first

so that's what they eventually did.
and now i'm here... 9 hours after the church service actually finished
i pretty much bugged mum, and dad pretty much knew we'd rather be at home than be stuck with them and other adults for another freakin 3 hours

my parents can honestly (if they were left in their own devices) talk the leg off a damn donkey

like literally



Sophie said...


though i must say i lol'd at the thought of your parents talking donkey's legs off :)

Ralphie Cellmate89 said...

i'm pretty sure they could :P
they'd talk to someone after church, then once they've finished - they find someone else and talk to them some more.

liagiba. said...

I love that adults waste their children's time so they can suffer along too -.-

I actually left my dad's keys in the car once. I was freaking out, thinking my dad would be so pissed to the extreme that we may not be able to get home on time. Then as a car repair company showed up, my dad comes out with a shocking expression, thinking WHY IS MY CAR GETTING TOWED? Then he realized what really went on, and told me he had a spare key the whole time...FML.

EYL said...

wow i would have been PRETTY angry if someone had a coat hanger the whole time. HAHA.
i hate wasting extended periods of unproductive time :/

Anonymous said...

shiz.. nice story abby! xD

Anonymous said...

lol, this story reminds of the friends episode when Phoebe locks her keys in her grandma's cab.

oh and isn't the free wi-fi in Mcdonalds just awesome?

ACCHORD said...

dang I feel your pain dude. my dad is a pastor and not to mention a people person. Many hours of my life have gone unwarranted and I will never get them back haha. yo I thought you said talk the legs off of a monkey and I was trying soooooo hard to figure out that then I saw donkey. the end haha. Hope all is well buddy