Saturday, March 6, 2010

things i've noticed

a.k.a  "stuff i've already known but just thought of mentioning it now"

  1. i need a waterproof pad to write my ideas whilst in the shower (saw one on google - it exists)
  2. i'm too lazy to capitalize the letters that need capitalizing but i tend to capitalize the ones that dont.
  3. i might possibly be starting my first ever full time job that involves something that i'm interested in and am trained to. i'm also slightly scared i might screw up.
  4. adding 2 front slashes "/" before or after a title or sub-title makes it look cooler.
  5. dual titles are also cool.
  6. i think i have a slight imbalance of hormones that impedes my body from giving me more armpit hair but also stops me from breaking out from pimples. it's bittersweet.
  7. i'm not yet used to sleeping alone.
  8. i know quite a bit about the bible/christianity , quite so that i've surprised myself.
  9. i forget easily
  10. i get distracted easily
  11. i'm a memento hoarder. if it means something to me - i keep it, no matter how slightly insignificant. i have a box.
  12. this blog entry is jut a way for me to write topics out that i cant be bothered fleshing out
  13. or i'm just restraining myself from boring you with long ass entries
  14. i've always like the notion of getting married - not just because of my religion, i cant bear to be just BY MYSELF and JUST have a companion (that i change every now and then).
  15. i plan to get married with the person i'm with atm.

i'm probably going to add more to this as i think up of some more.


Garbo said...

< like > ,like the 'like' on Facebook.

I like pointless blogs like these. Probably because a lot of the pointless things you mentioned I really care about too.
Like double slashing is SO COOL.

I sleep with the dog you gave me.

#15 made me giggle like a hoochie big time.


EYL said...

1. what is up with the shower waterproof pad? can't you wait to write it down afterwards? you're a guy! don't your showers last 2 seconds? he he...nonetheless, i like the idea.

2. do guys feel demasculinized when they don't have armpit hair? if i was a guy, i think i'd be self conscious for having too much hair. but i might just be saying that cuz i'm a girl.

sparklegreen said...

I get distracted easily too!