Monday, June 1, 2009

ZOMG VlogBrother!

so yeah i got to meet john green on sunday (it's now almost 3am monday as i type this) and it was pretty cool.

it wasn't in a Youtube gathering Environment but it was still Rad nonetheless.

He talked about Paper Towns; what was the meaning behind it and he took questions from the crowd (of like...30, it was 11am sunday morning).

he was really chill and cracked some funny ones. i kinda wanted to stay back for the 2pm one just to see if he had something different but i had to go home and work on a church video.

i was trying to figure out if i should bring my VidCam or my(ahem Dads ahem) DSLR.
i decided on the DSLR and sometimes i regret not having a close friend who knows about the VlogBrothers to go with me yesterday just so they could maybe film while i take photos or vice versa.

cos john freakin danced his happy dance; i mean it's one thing seeing it on YT but it's another seeing it IRL.

ok i sound like a fan girl - shutup.

anyway - it came time for john to sign books and what not; and they let us go out if we need to get anything - and get something i did.

they were selling john's 3 books that he wrote by himself.

Looking For Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines
and of course Paper Towns

i wanted to get the 1st 2 cos i CBS looking for em in bookstores.

and i found out - that AAoK isnt even going to be released here in Aus. until like... July or something. Air Freighted Copy - Booyah!

but i didnt have enough cash on me and i only had my card. so i ran - RAN - to the nearest Commonwealth Bank ATM (which was fortunately 100meters or so away - because i dont wanna pay $2 surcharge... freakin banks.) and ran back.

only to find out that they had an eftpos machine thingie anyway! gah.
i bought the two books (for a cheap $30 may i add), waited till my row got called (i arrived slightly late so i was 4 rows before the last) and waited.

while i was waiting i recognised some Aussie YT in the line infront of me; but by the time i could say hi - they've already gone.

except for 1. we'll get back to that later.

so i got to meet john green, Far out he's a REALLY nice guy. i'd love to hang around his house and just listen to him ramble on about his passion for cartography and race cars. i mean he already does that in his videos but IRL there's no jump cuts :P

that aside he was pleased to know i lost sleep because i couldnt put his book down. and he then proceeded to sign all 3 books ( i bought my copy of PT aswell.. duh). i took a photo with him and we said our farewells.

so yeah the other YTer that was there was FREZNED (who is 2nd most subbed comedian in YT Australia) i asked him if i could take a photo and proceded to rave about how he hasnt made a video in months (so have i actually - i promise to make one after this week). we talked for a couple more seconds and i then went on my way home. if i seriously didnt have anything to do - i woulda hung around.


anyway - i went home and got some Chicken Curry Don for lunch.

got cracking on the Promo Video and i ws hit with complication after complication; in the end the thing stopping me was FinalCut's inability to export videos fully and to constantly leave 5-10 secs off the end so you have your video (which is around 100mb) being incomplete, and having taken about 15 mins to export.

i did that about 7 times. as i waited i read Looking For Alaska.

i'm 1/3 done. that's how long it freakin took. and i leisurly read - didnt do any speed reading. like any one cares.

finally it finished and i sent it to my friend who gave me the thumbs up.
all done.

so yeah - i'm now doing this while listening to the ambient sounds of Garbo's Room.

speak to you all later!


The Man himself

Frezned and I

more pics on my FB btw.


Garbo said...

I knew you'd write a blog about this.

Ahehe. The word verification I gotta type in 'homar'.

Murdoc said...

dood! thats so cool!! :D

I wish I could meet famous youtube people too! There's a sorta meet goin on in NY this Wednesday with Kevjumba, Tayzonday, Happyslip and others that I can't go too! D: totally bummed about that

you're my number one famous australian youtuber i want to meet though! ..after that would be Jason hahaha

Murdoc said...

i mean I wish I could meet more famous youtube people hahah cuz i've totally gotten to meet Terarc, Acoinaday, ThatsAJudy, Rangasaurs, and WorldIsMarble! chyeaaa!

Ralphie Cellmate89 said...

chris - man; wish i could met half the cool people you've met :P

someday man, someday.